1:1 Tutoring

The Writing Center provides 1:1 online and offline tutoring and counseling services on seminar presentations and dissertations for graduate students who are currently taking courses or have completed the program.
Hanyang faculty in relevant fields provide personalized counseling and guidance on organizing the structure and flow, and improving sentences and expressions for seminar presentation materials (presentation slides, script, etc.) and dissertations (degree dissertation abstracts, journal articles, etc.).
Students who run into difficulties while preparing for presentations or writing essays can request counseling at any time, even during the planning stage or with just a first draft. (applies only to Korean tutoring)

※ The Writing Center does not provide proofreading services. The Writing Center provides advice and consultation focusing on the overall content and structure of the manuscript, logical flow, and frequent grammatical errors.



Tutoring Language
  • 국어한국어
  • EnglishEnglish
Tutoring Guides and Registration
About Tutors
Luke Allum
Luke AllumTutor
CCCE College English Education Committee

"Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That's why it's so hard" (David McCullough). 

My job is to help you think clearly, and make it as pain free as possible. So, let's start today.

Adam Turner
Adam TurnerTutor
CCCE College English Education Committee

Writing skills are often critical for long-term career success, not only academic work. The writing center can help you improve these skills.