자주 틀리는 문법
주어-동사 일치주어-동사 일치란? 단수 주어는 단수 동사 형태를 취하고, 복수 주어는 복수 동사 형태를 취한다.   단순현재 시제에서 주어동사 일치 규칙이 어떻게 되는가? 하나. 동사의 형태와 수일치가 맞아야 한다.단수 주어에는 단수 동사, 복수 주어에는 복수 동사를 쓴다.   He, she, it 에는 -s 형태의 동사를 사용한다.     ㆍ단수: The student learns about the journal every day. ㆍ복수: The students learn new journal every day.   둘. 전치사구는 전치사(at, for, by, with, without, in, of 등) + 전치사의 목적어(명사, 명사구, 대명사)로 구성한다. 전치사의 목적어는 절대로 주어가 될 수 없다.     ㆍThe main products of Korea and Japan are cars and electronics.  ㆍThe main product of Korea and Japan is fish.    셋. There is 또는 there are 뒤의 명사가 문장의 주어라는 점을 명심한다.   ㆍThere is a book on the table. ㆍThere are three reasons for the incident.   넷. Every-, some, any-, 등 부정대명사와 명사 앞에 each 또는 every가 올 때는 항상 단수 취급을 한다.   ㆍEveryone deserve a happiness. ㆍEvery student needs to be on time for class.    다섯. 동명사(명사로 사용되는 -ing단어)는 항상 단수형이어야 한다.    ㆍDrinking milk is good for your health. ㆍDrinking milk and fruits is good for your health.   The pool boiling experiments were conducted 3 times for more exact measurement of CHF on each fabricated samples.   → Correction: The voltage and the temperatures were measured on each current step when these were levelled off. This study analyzed dramatically different variance in each variables, so it is possible to examine the hypotheses.   → Correction: Every layer in layered structure is aligned with each other, and this lattice configuration forms Li ion pathway. The spreading velocities on the long-term oxidized surfaces was faster than those on the short-term oxidized and the fresh surfaces.   → Correction: The capillary wicking analysis expands the existing analysis by Son et al. The analysis of the wicking-oriented CHF modification on the coated surfaces play an important role in the development of ATF coated cladding.   → Correction: Our results provide compelling evidence that lactoferrin binds specifically with lactoferrin receptor in Caco-2 cells. This result eventually lead to the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant.   → Correction: The concentration of hydrazine after the irradiation was evaluated using UV spectrometer and ion chromatography. It was found that the products of water radiolysis and nitrate ion was concerned with hydrazine decomposition reaction.   → Correction: It is generally accepted that an end-to-end searching tool for architectural floor plans is in need, especially in the early phase of design. As outlined in the introduction, using visual languages are necessary to retrieve architectural information.   → Correction: In general, the analysis includes the control variables described above and controlled their effects. Optimization of low-pressure membrane filtration are attracting widespread interest in field of water and waste water treatment.   → Correction: The fouling model used in this work was a modified form of classical Hermia’s fouling model. This indicates that no significant correlation exist between the Hermia’s and Kilduff model.   → Correction: Inorganic concentration in permeate is determined by ICP analysis. The impact test used in this work were a modified version of the previous work.   → Correction: The outcome Zada’s assumption that the parasitic capacitance of human skin is negligible.  
쉼표 (,)쉼표란? 쉼표(,)는 문장에서 짧게 끊어 읽을 부분임을 나타낼 때 사용되며 문장의 연결 관계를 나타낸다.   쉼표의 역할 기본적으로 쉼표는 문장 내 정보를 다른 부분과 분리하기 위해 사용된다. 문장 내에서 단어, 절, 개념 등을 구분하는 구두점이다. 마침표(.)는 문장을 끝내지만, 쉼표는 짧은 일시 중지를 나타낸다.   쉼표의 사용법 쉼표는 일반적으로 다음과 같은 용도로 사용된다.   하나.독립절을 구분할 때 사용한다. 규칙: 쉼표는 두 개의 주절 사이에 for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so 등 등위접속사가 있을 경우 두 개의 주절을 구분하기 위해 사용한다.  이때 등위접속사를 기억하기 위해 FANBOYS로 외우는 것도 방법이다. 즉, 절 사이의 관계를 보여주는 역할을 한다.    <실수 문장 예시>  The measured CHF values exceeded the roughness-argued CHF prediction and there must be an another parameter to decide the CHF trigger. → Correction: The measured CHF values exceeded the roughness-argued CHF prediction, and   In this study, positive relational affect and task assistance seeking were repeatedly measured for 5 days and each parameter within 5 days was constrained to be equal. → Correction: positive relational affect and task assistance seeking were repeatedly measured for 5 days, and   Data path was transmitted horizontally and clock path was transmitted laterally. → Correction: Data path was transmitted horizontally, and   It utilizes the renewable energy so it can reduce CO2 emissions. → Correction: It utilizes the renewable energy, so   This is because the construction period can be shortened compared to the existing construction methods and the building can be used at an early date. → Correction: the construction period can be shortened compared to the existing construction methods, and     둘. 도입절이나 뒤에 쉼표를 사용한다. 독자는 쉼표를 보고 도입절이나 구가 끝나고 문장의 주절이 시작되는 것을 알 수 있다.   ㆍWhen the class started, one of the students had to leave because he forgot to bring his textbook. ㆍNear the lake, many people gathered together to celebrate the holiday.   *출처: https://www.iue.edu/student-success/coursework/commas.html   셋. 단어나 구절을 연속으로 나열할 때 쉼표를 사용한다. 동일한 목적을 수행하거나 구조를 공유하는 항목을 세 개 이상 열거할 때는 각 항목을 쉼표로 분리한다.   ㆍWe bought pencils,notebooks, and textbooks today. (series of words) ㆍThe President promised that he would be a great leader,that he would restore the law and order, and that the country would prosper soon. (series of clauses) ㆍThe professor looked through the desk, through his briefcase,and around her office for the lost class roster. (series of phrases)   *출처: https://www.iue.edu/student-success/coursework/commas.html     <실수 문장 예시>   Titanium based MOFs have widely been employed in applications such as catalysis, separation adsorption pollutant removal. → Correction: catalysis, separation, and adsorption pollutant removal.   The implantable WPT system was modelled, simulated and analyzed using the following well-known electromagnetics computation tools. → Correction: modelled, simulated, and analyzed